Thursday, September 17, 2009

the painfull side of having sex @ 18

okey the picture dont really have a connection of what im gonna say . any ways here it goes.

okey, SEX. its no more a serious subject nowadays. actually i find it entertaining, and i think everyone deserves to have SEX ...... even at eighteen. com'on the reality is that sex is the primary opposite of TOFU. ya know tofu is like blowjob , it provides you pleasure but it never satisfy your needs. SEX "nowadays" is next at the top of teenagers "hierarchy of needs". one good application is my groupmate, i guess ive known her for a quite long time, and seriously i never really have an idea that she was even sexually active(im not naming names okay). and what disturbs me is the thousand and thousand of pesos she have wasted when her bumps gets bloated. and it makes me really sad , cause she really is a good friend .so sad